Oxwall 1.8.1 released

Oxwall 1.8.1 is available for download immediately.

All details about the release can be found in our beta highlight (complete changelog can be found here). You are now invited to explore this first release of 2016 and offer your feedback.

Important for users: If you are running Oxwall of any previous version, you are encouraged to wait until the auto-update prompt appears in your admin area. Before you attempt it, make sure to:

  • Back up your website. Seriously, folks, better safe than sorry;
  • Run the platform update first, only after that run all available plugin updates;
  • Run theme update also only after the platform update.

If you don’t want to perform the update yourself, check companies and contractors specializing in Oxwall support.

Oxwall team.

Oxwall 1.8.1 beta

Greetings Oxwallers!

Oxwall 1.8.1 beta comes today as one of the first events of 2016. It’s a maintenance release that contains many improvements and fixes. Most notably:

  • New mobile theme (Simplicity);
  • Unlimited number of values for Single choice profile questions (finally!);
  • License key check for commercial items on install.

Complete changelog is here.

Oxwall 1.8.1 beta is available immediately for beta testers. All developers and designers are encouraged to test their items on the new release to ensure compatibility.

How to become an Oxwall beta tester: https://docs.oxwall.org/dev:store:beta-testers

ATTENTION: This is a beta release which is unsuitable for applying on live websites, hence we do not provide any update tools. Please, wait for the official release – it will show up as the update button in your admin area.

The official Oxwall 1.8.1 release is scheduled for January 12.

Thanks for creating with us!
Oxwall team